Build your hearing health network

Pharmacies, as trusted health providers, are natural gatekeepers for hearing health and their inclusion is timely given a need to add new services of wide appeal to their clientele. Taking the range of patients served by a typical outlet and the co-morbidities that many present, it is likely that 75% of a normal roster will benefit from an interpreted hearing test and subsequent follow-up, both in-store and virtually from home. A portion of those tested will also be interested in learning more and/or acquiring hearing-related services and products including products presently carried. Over time, the network created should bring hundreds of new patients into the hearing health mix accompanied by substantial margin gain.
As no significant inventory is required and set up charges are either modest (should the in-store Summus Kiosk Solution be installed) or negligible (in the case of the Summus Online Solution accessible on the website and available to be browsed from links on promotional materials), significant new revenue streams can be added.
Our Proposal
Experience has taught us that pharmacy clients and patients are curious about their hearing status and are willing to test it both in-store and at home. Additionally, we are aware of the average user profile and the appropriate number of users. By incorporating Summus Hearing’s technology to your services, you can give your customers and patients additional information about their hearing health and open up new revenue opportunities for your business.
Use of the Internet for testing and service/product fulfilment is a prominent feature, and since inventory is not required, substantial savings in costs are expected. The pharmacy’s role involves advertising the serice and promoting it in-store, using existing sales software to collect payment for the Hearing Test its sold. Furthermore, early prototyping has produced powerful messaging that should be used.

A 2–3-month start-up period is a reasonable expectation for consultation, customizing and validating the software, and downloading it to the target testing device(s). This process also includes introducing the Hearing Health Awareness Program via a private portal where staff can access information about hearing and hearing loss, orientation, and training materials, as well as a chat function. When hardware devices and stands are ordered, delivery can be anticipated in a few days to six weeks, depending on your location and supply availability.