Optical Stores & Networks

Extend your services to incorporate hearing health

Optical clinics in Europe and elsewhere often provide hearing health services in addition to their core vision offering. Our experimentation in North America indicates that hearing can become a profitable addition to this core business. The relationship between vision and hearing issues is close and a combined approach benefits patients by taking advantage of that connection.

The idea is to create in-clinic hearing access that nearly mirrors but does not interfere with the patient’s visual experience. Although challenging, this is doable with the right positioning, incentives, and messaging.

Our experience suggests that as many as half the patients take advantage of the complimentary services offered, if well executed.”

Our Proposal

A 2–3-month start-up period is a reasonable expectation for consultation, customizing and validating the software and downloading it to the target testing device(s). This process also includes introducing the Hearing Health Awareness Program via a private portal where staff can access information about hearing and hearing loss, orientation, and training materials, as well as a chat function. When hardware devices and stands are ordered, delivery can be anticipated in a few days to six weeks, depending on your location and supply availability.

Join our Hearing Health Revolution!