Audiologists & Dispensers

Expand your reach beyond your dispensary operations

Male doctor examining patient's ear with a scope

Hearing clinics, community care facilities, and hospitals located in most communities have traditionally been the front line providers for those with permanent hearing loss.

Competing successfully in the emerging hearing health marketplace, however, requires that they adapt by expanding their reach to attract new clientele and master the dictates of hearing telehealth.

Both Summus Kiosk Solution and Summus Online Solution are admirably suited for this through direct use and/or partnering with other health providers, particularly pharmacies and family physicians.

Our Proposal

Extensive experience has been gained in assisting dispensers develop qualified leads and service their existing patients. This typically includes in-clinic screening, offering services at shows and events, and increasingly, partnering with pharmacies and/or family physicians. This knowhow is a critical component of what Summus Hearing provides its dispenser clientele.

A 2–3-month start-up period is a reasonable expectation for consultation, customizing and validating the software and downloading it to the target testing device(s). This process also includes introducing the Hearing Health Awareness Program via a private portal where staff can access information about hearing and hearing loss, orientation, and training materials, as well as a chat function. When hardware devices and stands are ordered, delivery can be anticipated in a few days to six weeks, depending on your location and supply availability.

Join our Hearing Health Revolution!