Family Physicians
Provide hearing health for your patients

The obvious gatekeepers for hearing health are family doctors, yet the majority of them do not offer such services.
This is changing as telemedicine becomes a new requirement for innovative medical practices and as its significance becomes more widely recognized.
Through partnered EMRs or another virtual care portal, clinics can subscribe to Summus Hearing testing methods. Access to the patient’s chart along with pure tone and speech tests is typically a billable service.
Our Proposal
Arrangements can be made to set up the Summus Kiosk Solution at your medical clinic – in the waiting room or treatment area. Routines for general and targeted patient use or inclusion in the annual physical are well established and can add to billing totals.
An online solution has also been embedded in an EMR platform available by simple subscription.
A 2–3-month start-up period is a reasonable expectation for consultation, customizing and validating the software and downloading it to the target testing device(s). This process also includes introducing the Hearing Health Awareness Program via a private portal where staff can access information about hearing and hearing loss, orientation, and training materials, as well as a chat function. When hardware devices and stands are ordered, delivery can be anticipated in a few days to six weeks, depending on your location and supply availability.