With Your Support, We Can Transform Hearing Health Across North America!

Meet Merlin, Your virtual guide to optimized hearing health

At Summus Hearing, we’re dedicated to revolutionizing hearing health. While our current program offers valuable support, we’re ready to elevate it to the next level with your help. By contributing to our newly launched Indiegogo campaign, you’ll help us infuse advanced AI into our platform, transforming it into Merlin—an intuitive, online, personalized hearing health guide that provides tailored education, advice, and recommendations based on your unique needs.

    What Is Indiegogo and Why Your Support Matters
Indiegogo is a crowdfunding platform that empowers innovative projects like Merlin to gain the financial backing they need to succeed. By contributing to Merlin, you’re not just supporting a product—you’re investing in the future of better hearing health for all. Hearing loss affects 466 million people worldwide, and this number is expected to nearly double by 2050. The global economic cost of untreated hearing loss is estimated at $750 billion annually. Together, we can change these staggering statistics and empower everyone to take control of their hearing health.

Merlin: Transforming Your Hearing Health Journey
Imagine having a dedicated hearing health guide with you every day for the rest of your life, helping you stay proactive about your hearing health. Merlin is designed to seamlessly integrate into your daily routine, offering a comprehensive, AI-powered approach that goes well beyond traditional hearing tests, most of which are targeted at promoting hearing aids.

Here’s how Merlin will transform your hearing health:

Monitoring and Insights: Starting with a non-invasive hearing test, Merlin provide feedback and tailored advice based on your results. Merlin will track your hearing health regularly, providing you with timely insights and recommendations tailored to your unique hearing needs. This continuous monitoring ensures that any changes in your hearing are detected early, empowering you to take immediate action.
Personalized Education: Merlin will also deliver educational content that’s specifically curated for you. Whether it’s tips on how to protect your hearing in noisy environments, guidance on lifestyle adjustments, or the latest research in hearing health and technology, Merlin will keep you informed.
Proactive Alerts and Reminders: Merlin will send you real-time alerts and reminders based on your ongoing hearing status, helping you stay on top of your hearing health without it feeling like a burden. These gentle nudges ensure that you never miss an opportunity to protect or improve your hearing.
Long-Term Health Management: Merlin will help you develop and maintain healthy hearing habits, ensuring that you stay engaged and committed to your hearing health journey. You’ll have a deeper understanding of your hearing and the steps you can take to preserve or improve it.

What Your Contribution Can Do
With your support, we can:

Develop Real-Time Alerts: Enable immediate actions based on changes in your hearing status.
Expand Educational Resources: Offer more in-depth and personalized content to keep you informed and proactive.
Enhance User Experience: Make Merlin even more intuitive and seamlessly integrated into your daily life.

Join Us in Making a Difference
Merlin’s goal is to make hearing health a seamless part of your routine, ensuring you stay on top of your hearing health without it feeling like a burden. Merlin can transform how you approach your hearing, providing the insights and guidance you need to maintain and improve your hearing health throughout your lifetime.

By backing our Indiegogo campaign, you’re joining a movement to revolutionize hearing health. Every contribution, big or small, brings us closer to making Merlin the go-to tool for managing hearing health globally. As a bonus, you’ll be awarded special perks from Merlin based on your contribution!

Merlin contribution product perks including hearing aids, wireless headphones and safety earmuffs

Let’s make hearing health a priority and a reality for everyone—join us today and invest in the future of hearing with Merlin: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/merlin#/